Being Human Blog
Scott is a Keynote Speaker, Mindfulness Practitioner, Coach and Mentor. Through his lived experience he has witnessed what is truly possible in recovery by living authentically and intentionally.
You can watch these videos directly on YouTube as well or listen to his Podcast
Before you keep scrolling, remember that it's okay to rest. It's okay to take it slow. Just keep loving yourself.
Learn How To Overcome Anxiety with Kindness & Compassion
This video training will show you exactly how to experience physical and mental relief from anxiety
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Lyrically heavy but so gentle with the voice. Progress over perfection, hope you like the cover!
This was so much fun. Over 8 years of making videos online, I've honestly never been so excited to record something as I was today.
This just felt so right on so many levels. I love music, I...
Work Hard, Play Hard. Such a statement from your boss that's really trying to fit in and be one with the team. He drinks Coors Light and is a huge Toronto Maple Leafs fan, has a poker set in...
It's been over a year since I made a video for YouTube. I want to share awesome music with the world, both my own and from the artists I love. I thought this would be a great way to get back into...
I think about how we may have gone past the sweet spot in certain technological advances. I know, I know...
"But Scott, what would I do without my fleshlight!?"
"But Scott, I can count my steps now...
I'm at this coffee shop which has a vibe of minimalism, cleanliness and hosts a variety of high carb treats. North America revolves around the carb, man. Maybe Starbucks got it right with the egg...
Learn How To Overcome Anxiety with Kindness & Compassion
This video training will show you exactly how to experience physical and mental relief from anxiety